Lakshmi Everyone in this world wants it to be an identity.
He lives in his own identity like a celebrity. But we don't know how to identify ourselves. we treat people and talk to them creates an identity for us. You may also know people who are mean to everyone but are good to you. This is because he likes and respects you. So today we will talk about some tips that if followed everyone will love you respect you and always be with you. The tips vary but all involve the mind. Tips to get the importance of time You have time which is very important. When you give time to someone, be sure to give it time because time is very important. You can invest time in activities that are important to you. If you give someone a certain time, then you give importance to it, so if you give importance to time, everyone will give importance to you. When you invite someone at a certain time. It proves to everyone that you value time. Due to which your respect increases in the eyes of people. Use your time wisely. People will treat you well. 2. Tips to increase the importance of your things by giving importance to things You know what's yours. You can use whatever you want. And if you need something from someone else, take their permission for it. Thank you and let me know. When you are in your office you don't take things because they are not yours. So you value your own things and also value people's things. Everyone will care about your things. 3. Tips to be nice to everyone without making too much noise Excessive noise is a downside. Because people don't like making noise. Be careful not to make too much noise while you are playing or working. Many times we increase the volume of the phone for our own fun while using the mobile. The noise of our mobile use should be kept to the extent that it does not cause problems to the people around. If your phone is noisy, people will confuse it with your usage. Then everyone will laugh at you and look down on you. From now on, try not to make too much noise while having fun with yourself or at work. 4. Tips for getting respect by being present If you promise to be present at a place, then definitely be there. Because if you don't keep your word, people will consider you a liar. Later people will associate it with your character. And if you can't come for any reason, tell them in advance. People will consider you as a responsible person. This will make people respect you. 5. Tips to increase the importance of your own choice by respecting the choice of others Your choice thoughts are yours alone. They are not forced on others. Never assume that other people will think the same way you do. People will only value your choices when you value theirs. When you prepare food for many people. Then prepare food according to everyone's preferences. Don't just cook your favorite food and feed them. They will understand your importance only if you make food they like. Then they will respect you. 6. Don't give your own book by yourself Someone should give you your book for a few days while they seek it out from you. When you force someone to read your book. Then they think you are putting some of your guilt on them. On their own, they won't value your book and return it to you on time. Taking care of books is taking care of your education. It can ruin your relationship so never give someone a book by yourself. 7. Tips for increasing the importance of face-to-face conversations Nowadays people use social media more to talk. No one talks on social media without talking face to face. Which is pretty much okay for general conversation. And if there is something that is very important to you then that should be said face to face. In this you will get its full importance. When you can express yourself to everyone, people think you are important and confident. How easy you are depends on how you talk. So always understand the importance of your words and also pay attention to the time of speaking of the person in front. 8. Transporting pets to designated facilities Pets are loved by everyone. But that doesn't mean take them everywhere. Before you take your pet, think about where the pet may cause problems. There are many people who do not like pets. Due to which they can call you rude and rude. So make sure everyone is happy and feels good when you take your pet with you wherever you go. It will also give your pet proper respect. 9. Valuing the right things How you organize your belongings, work or living room is about your discipline. So put your things in a system. If you are invited, don't do anything wrong. Consider it your responsibility. It will bring out your best side. 10. Eating in peace Don't talk too loudly. Speaking correctly shows the way we speak. But you should be careful when and how much you talk. Looking at someone laughing while eating at night shows a bad side. So always let everyone eat in peace. 11. Invitations When an event is held, a list is made of which guests need to be invited. That is why you should go to an event only when you are invited there. Never think of going anywhere or taking someone uninvited. 12. Help significantly That's right if you take care of everyone. But to get respect a man has to take care of children, women and old people more. It also involves your wife if you are a boy. Because you should also treat your wife with care. You should give importance to your wife's decision and thoughts. Men should put all girls ahead of them and help them. Seating and Giving If you're stuck in a group or late for a meeting. So instead of making excuses, you should sit quietly in one place. And if you are sitting somewhere and there is not much seating space. In such a situation, if there are elderly or children, women around you, you should immediately give them a seat. This will earn you instant respect from everyone. 14. Listening is important Listening doesn't mean you have to be quiet when talking. But it is important to show interest to the person in front and listen to understand his words well. If you listen to someone, you can help him. Because after listening fully you can give them a good command advice.

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